Mes derniers tableaux

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lundi 25 mars 2013

La fagotteuse - Levécourt 1946 HST 20 F

12 commentaires:

Jeff Singer a dit…

I don't know what have to say your blog. But i know it's really so artistic and awesome.

Joel Silverman a dit…

Exceptional collective blog. May people searching for your blog. Love this kinda of blog.

Evelyn Kiely a dit…


Geo Michel a dit…


ParisMaddy a dit…

¸.•°♡♡彡Joyeuses Fêtes de Pâques.

daniel a dit…

J'adore ce tableaux ta maman est criante de vérité ainsi que le reste de la famille dans ce sous bois les couleurs sont magnifique SUPERBE on sent une odeur de cèpe se dégager des sous bois .Bravo

Encyclopedia painters a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

adorable peinture de genre décrivant la vie des années de ma petite enfance à Levécourt. Très touchée. La chafouine

Clipping Path Service a dit…

I really enjoyed your blog Thanks for sharing such an informative post.

Clipping Images a dit…

It's really so artistic and awesome post.

Techcloud a dit…

Wow, pretty cool sharing. I really appreciate your painting. Though, I'm not good at art as I’m working on image post product platform for my image editing work. Anyways very good sharing; please keep sharing more. I’ll definitely visit your blog again. image post production

Liam Jacques a dit…

Thankyou For Sharing Such An Excellent Post Enjoyed Reading i

Mes derniers tableaux